earth, the internet-entangled home

l i n k s

general links

Wetransfer, nice site for transfering big files (doesn't work with old browsers, sadly)

"Lithuanian Heritage": government-financed project, lots of digitised records and books to access online

"Russian Records" project: see and hear many Russian pre-WWII (and not only) shellac records

Great database of USSR audio, radio, video etc. gear

Big database of typewriters of all makes

"Bored panda": lots of interesting, amusing and cute articles and lists

"Goodreads": Read and write book reviews, make your readlist, etc.

Find kanjis by looking up separate radicals in them here

resources for record collectors

Catalogue numbers resource of USSR records

Discogs, the best database and marketplace of musical releases

Explaination of two-letter tax codes found on old UK releases

LIBIS system: Full virtual catalogues of main libraries in Lithuania

(c) & (p) 2017 ゆう

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