Lithuanian 'magnetoalbums' database and information

Lietuviškų 'magnetoalbumų' duomenų bazė bei info apie juos


What is this page for?

Let me explain. Back in USSR era and a bit after that, before there were labels where you could release your album officially (the normal way, according to western point of view), groups would get most of their revenue from playing gigs, either officially if they could, or at weddings if they were 'wedding bands'. Purpose of recording albums was not to get money, but rather, to become famous and loved, to self-realize themselves as musicians etc. But still, it was the era of magnetic tape and somebody needed to distribute the recordings. That was done by people who did that as covert, later less covert business - home or studio with racks of tape recorders, duplicating the tapes to sell somewhere later; tracklists or at least title cards were either made using typewriters or written by hands, less commonly, since early 90s, printed using computer. The bands would give or sell some of these people copies of master tapes, or they would get hold of them in different ways, and so they made copies to sell - in this way, on blank tapes, albums were distributed that usually were never reissued the official way. It wasn't possible to due to reality of that era - bands needed to be officially recognised, albums needed to pass strict art control, also censors, quotas for planned releases weren't big either. Some are more widespread, some are very scarce or even one-off copies of masters. Russians have coined the term "magnetoalbums" for such releases, which I find convenient to use here as well. Since they currently cannot be documented on discogs, and sources are completely lacking, I'll try gathering the information I can provide myself.
Y., August 2019

Kam skirtas šis puslapis?

Paaiškinsiu. Jo paskirtis yra sudokumentuoti, kiek tai leidžia mano noras/laikas/išgalios, lietuviškuosius tarybinio ir potarybinio laikotarpio "magnetoalbumus" (kadangi mes neturime lietuviško termino, patogus šis rusiškas, skirtas apibudinti būtent šį reiškinį - juostose ir kasetės platintus, oficialiai neišleistus albumus, kurių dėl to meto realijų (griežta meninė kontrolė, cenzūra, kvotos, būtinybė ansambliui būti įsiteisinus) išleisti galimybės nebuvo tad jie platinti kaip leido to meto realybė ir galimybės - per 'įrašinėtojus", o toliau darant kopijas nuo kopijų.). Discogs'e tokių perrašytų albumų įdėti negalima, nes jie nesiskaito tikrais leidiniais, todėl po truputį dėsiu aprašus šičia.
J., 2019 m. rugpjūtis

list of titles added / įdėtų pavadinimų sąrašas (abėcėlės tvarka, bus pildoma):

Arvydas Vilčinskas ir grupė "Medus" [1989]
Fanta [~1989]
Hiperbolė - koncertas Sporto Rūmuose 1982 m. balandžio 8 arba 9 d.
Kaziuko Kapela [1988]
Luksnėnai [1990]
Mažoji Armonikėlė [1990]
"Medus" (Jūratė ir Arvydas Vilčinskai) ir "Aliukai" (Kęstutis Kazakevičius) - "Medaliukai" /koncerto įrašas/ [1992]
Nemunaičiai [1991]
Nemuno Vingis [1987]
Prologas - 1 albumas [1989 sausis]
Prologas - 2 albumas [1990]
Prologas - 3 (?) albumas [1992]
Sekmadienis [~1991]
Vairas [1989 arba 1990]
Vairas - koncertas festivalyje "Palanga-89", transliacijos įrašas
Velykų Rytas [1990]

JVC Dynarec F1 TDK A90 Denon DX1

(c) & (p) 2019 ゆう

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